Megan Ihnen performs John Cage "Aria" at Mars Hill University
As the selected winner of Megan Ihnen and Darrel Hale's Call for Scores at LSU, Aurora was premiered on April 1, 2019 by Ihnen, mezzo, and Hale, bassoon.
Composer and electronic musician Erik Spangler, mezzo-soprano Megan Ihnen, clarinetist Gregory Oakes, and percussionist Adam Groh perform a site-specific piece of contemporary classical and electronic music in the Devonian fossil gorge at Coralville Lake.
Mara Gibson's "White Ash" featuring bassoonist Darrel Hale and mezzo-soprano Megan Ihnen.
Released October 4, 2019 Voice: Megan Ihnen Alto Saxophone: Alan Theisen Additional Vocals: Alan Theisen and Andrew M Rodriguez Music & Production: Andrew M Rodriguez Text: Jeremy De La Rosa Engineered, mixed, and mastered by Andrew M Rodriguez
ClassiCAST #7 at 53:08 - "Oil Islands" || composer and producer: Andrem M. Rodriguez || performers: Megan Ihnen & Alan Theisen present...
Megan Ihnen is featured on Music Mix Volume III produced by The Greater Des Moines Partnership. This selection of songs features local musicians who were selected by a jury.
SONAR new music ensemble
Premier performance.
Masters Recital, 2009